The Dude of Delhi carefully looked all
around him, and he found no way at all to stop the men from what they were
doing. Trading drugs in Dhokla packages- ingenious. What could he possibly do?
He crept around over to the machines, close to the two men loading the packages
in the machinery. The factory was supposed to be closed by night, so no one
would notice them. Except Pingo, ever so vigilant. In his excitement he even
forgot his pathological fear of dhoklas. Advancing slowly, he was almost was
under the shadow of the big metal device which spurned out two mean dhoklas a
minute. Pretty impressive for a machine as ancient as this. It's whirring
mechanism produced a constant humming to Pingo's ear. It had dangerously
exposed spinning spiky wheels. Pingo had no idea how these were needed in the
process of dhokla making.
The packets of cocaine slipped into the
machine were nearing to an end, and the men were about to call it a day. Pingo
felt a dawning sense of helplessness, just like the kind of feeling that shrouds
over you when you finished your share of tandoori chicken and mom won't give
you another. He had to quickly devise a way to do something, to save the
country from the throes of dhokla infested drugs. He thought and he thought and
he realized there was no time for thinking. He had to act now. He had to take a
leap of faith. He rushed forward suddenly, unable to contain himself. He
mustered up all his power that would be required to land a punch straight in
the face of the man loading the white drugs. He felt a gush of energy in him
and felt exhilarated. This was all of course, before the two men noticed him
and smacked him hard and he fell down. After this, all went black again, and he felt a sharp pain in his hand.
They were up to more mischief, of course,
but that’s the story of another day.
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